Ensimmäisen aiheena on "vaaleanpunainen" tilauksen mukaan. Mutta sitten tuli soitto, että unohdetaan vaaleanpunainen ja teet vain hevosaiheisen. Se tuotti päänvaivaa muutaman päivän, kunnes muistin että minullahan on varastossa muutama vintage-tyylinen korttikuva. Vaaleanpunainen kortti sai kuvansa varastostani, tässä tapauksessa tietokoneen uumenista tulostetusta arkista. Olen löytänyt muutamia sivustoja, joista saa itselleen ilmaisia vintage-tyylisiä kuvia. Linkki löytyy blogini vasemmasta laidasta.
Summer here in Finland have gone so fast, the Middsummer Day is just behind a corner.
Unfortunately I haven't had time to post to my blog a long time, cose I have tried to be outside a lot. I have also been doing some gardening at my little parcel of land. (Pictures and texts from it coming later..)
I have been asked to do a card to a confirmation party. So I was thinking a couple of days to found some pictures and ideas. First they asked me to do some card in pink color, so the first one is very pinky, if I would say!
Then I received a call that there should be something about horses in the card.. so I started to look trough all my photos and pictures and toppers and found some nice photo to put on the pink card.
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Vaaleanpunainen rippikortti. A pink card to a Confirmation party. |
I was still thinking if its a good card to pick up, so I went to a local craftingmarket named "Taitopuoti Paperinauha" (my translation: Craftshop Paperribbon) to look some ideas and some more pictures too. And I found a lovely sheet where is dogs and little girls and then one quite suitable photo with a girl and a horse. So I bought this sheet from Pion Design "Från Mormors Vind - Djurvänner". And this card was chosen to a horselovergirl! Hope she'd like it!
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Från Mormors Vind - Djurvänner -arkin ihana kuva.
From Granmothers loft - an animalfriends sheet -
a wonderful photo to a girl who loves horses!
Onpa kauniita rippikortteja:)